Bone Health
This article discusses the topic of bone health and the underlying reasons why many Americans are suffering from low bone mineral density and osteoporosis. There are many nutritional components that relate and contribute to a person’s overall bone health. The article also identifies the most important nutritional supplements for a person to take in order to promote their bone health.
In contrast to dietary insufficiencies, several nutrients that support bone health are readily available in the average American diet. These include zinc, manganese, and copper which may have adverse effects at higher levels of intake. Some multivitamins and bone support products provide additional quantities of nutrients that may be unnecessary or potentially harmful.
Bone health is an extremely important topic in healthcare today. Millions of Americans are suffering from low bone density resulting in a high number of spine and other bone fractures. This article gives a good general overview of nutrients critical for strong bones. It also talks about the benefit of exercise to strengthen bones.
Essential Nutrients for Bone Health and a Review of their Availability in the Average North American Diet
Charles T. Price*, Joshua R. Langford and Frank A. Liporace
The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 2012, 6, 143-149 143 Open Access. Orlando Health, 1222 Orange Avenue, 5th Floor, Orlando, Florida 32806, USA Abstract
In order to promote a person’s bone health and work towards preventing low bone mineral density and osteoporosis, zinc, manganese, and copper should all be in the average person’s diet. There are also readily available multivitamins and bone health-specific supplements that can be added to a person’s diet in order to prevent bone health issues.
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